In this edition of our “Member Spotlight” blog series, we interviewed Monica Katzen, founder of Mind My Life (MML) and Mind My Business (MMB).
Mind My Life is a lifestyle management business that offers a multitude of concierge services, ranging from errand running to vacation planning to personal assistant services. Mind My Business offers a multitude of concierge services, ranging from personal assistant services to project management, all provided by reliable, hands-on professionals.
What is Mind My Life/Mind My Business and how are they different from other concierge/lifestyle management services?
“I’m not sure that MML is much different than any other personal concierge service out there, but what is unique is that there are not many such services in Connecticut that offer the range of services that I do. MMB is definitely unique in that it is not a temp agency; I am providing services directly to start-ups and small businesses, helping fill holes that these companies cannot fill yet in their emerging stage of business.”
What was your source of inspiration to start your own business?
“To be honest, after staying home to raise my children for 17 years, I was ready to give birth to something of my own. I had worked in corporate America for years before having a family and had many skills to draw from that period of my life, as well as from the many hats I wore as a parent (e.g. PTO president, community volunteer, etc.). I also like the flexibility and diversity which my new venture allows me.”
Why did you decide to be based in Connecticut?
“It’s where I live, and I like the energy that is just beginning to gather in the start-up community that CT is helping support. This environment allows me to explore and support a wide range of industries.”
I notice that you have a wide variety of clientele–from single dads to homebound individuals. What has been the most challenging about catering to different types of people?
“I actually do not look at this as a challenge at all. Rather, it is a gift; variety is the spice of life, and I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing if every day and every client were the same.”
Where do you see both Mind My Life/Mind My Business in the next 5 years?
“I see both entities growing while adapting to changing business conditions in the state, as well as changing conditions in my lifestyle. I created both businesses so that they were portable. As my children leave CT, I may too – and will be able to maintain both companies in a variety of geographic locations. I really want to focus more on growing MMB, gaining more hands-on experience with different CT ventures, and hope to continue to farm out work to contractors with MML, personal concierge services being more of a luxury service, rather than a necessity.”
As the founder and sole proprietor of a business that makes the lives of others easier, how do you find balance in your own life?
“I like the fact that you asked the question in this way, because ‘balance’ is an important mantra for me. I look at balance as a state of being that allows us to achieve – with as little stress possible! – the things that enrich our world inwardly and outwardly. I take care of myself physically (doing yoga, running and playing tennis ), mentally (running my business and being intellectually challenged by the different roles I must fill, often in sectors that I have no experience in) and socially (collaborating with others in business, social, and philanthropic venues.)”
If you could go back in time and do anything differently, what would that be?
“I honestly wouldn’t change a thing! What I do wish is that I had eight more lives so that I could learn more, earn a few more degrees, have a few more careers, be enriched by many, many others, and travel to a few more continents! Always move forward; never look back!”
Many aspiring entrepreneurs have a fear of failure. What is one piece of advice that you would give them?
“Don’t go it alone! It may be a thing of pride to consider yourself a ‘solopreneur,’ but unless you have support (via collaborative environments like reSET, networking, mastermind groups, family, friends, ‘concierges,’ etc.) it can be a lonely world! Remember…’the sum of all parts is greater than the whole.'”
To connect more with Monica, please visit:
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