HARTFORD, CT, October 28, 2021—On November 10 from 9 a.m. until noon, Hartford-based nonprofit reSET presents Beyond Business as Usual: Regenerative Economy, a virtual conference for socially minded business people and entrepreneurs. The annual event's 2021 focus is on reimagining the economy to achieve prosperity for all. Speakers include thought leaders in the areas of impact investing, inclusive economic development and social justice in finance.
In alignment with reSET's mission to grow Connecticut's social enterprise sector, this event is meant to inspire new connections for entrepreneurs, business leaders and changemakers who would like to launch, grow and support more sustainable businesses. Tickets for the virtual conference, available online at
www.bit.ly/BBAU2021, are $40 with a discounted $25 rate available to reSET members and alumni. All proceeds go toward reSET's entrepreneurial programs to support the growth of impact-driven business in Connecticut.
A regenerative economy offers solutions to the current status quo, in which many people still do not have access to basic amenities such as food, housing, quality education, living-wage jobs and healthcare. These issues have been exacerbated by the pandemic. Regenerative economics aims to reshape capitalism with a new mindset: abundance over scarcity. More simply said, there is plenty to go around.
Conference attendees will engage with leaders from New York, Connecticut and Washington, D.C. John Fullerton, Capital Institute founder and author of 8 Principles of a Regenerative Economy will join reSET's executive director Sarah Bodley in a virtual fireside chat to kick off the morning. The conversation will focus on building stable, healthy and sustainable systems based on Fullerton's holistic principles including adapting to circumstances, empowering participation and honoring community.
A panel discussion, moderated by
Brent Robertson, partner at West Hartford-based Fathom, will lead to breakout sessions where attendees can dialogue, network and spark new ways of thinking. Panel speakers include:
“The past two years have been tough, and the pandemic has forced us to rethink how we view a successful society - expanding beyond money and power, and prioritizing connectivity, community, safety, and health, among other values.” says Sarah Bodley, reSET Executive Director. “This year's BBAU conference will ask big questions: how can we keep ‘people’ and ‘planet’ more central to our economic decisions? Rather than returning to business as usual, what can we hold on to from this difficult time in order to create a better future?”
Beyond Business as Usual is hosted by reSET in collaboration with presenting partner, Connecticut Sustainable Business Council, and made possible by sponsors including Webster Bank, Capital for Change, Murtha Cullina, The Walker Group, Village Capital, Stanley Black & Decker and Fathom.
About reSET
reSET's mission is to advance the social enterprise sector in Connecticut through programming, access to capital and advocacy. reSET aims to inspire innovation and community collaboration and to support entrepreneurs in creating market-based solutions to community challenges. By designing business to focus on both purpose and profit, innovation is unleashed, and profit is a means to solving problems. reSET offers an intensive, four-month Impact Accelerator that has won an SBA award, a Food Incubator, a Retail Incubator and Measure What Matters, a virtual masterclass to guide business owners along the path to greater sustainability . reSET offers coaching, co-working space, workshops and networking events. Its mentor network provides free access to a wide range of expertise for startups.
Direct requests for complimentary press passes to: Emily Reisner, ereisner@resetco.org
All Rights Reserved | reSET
Social Enterprise Trust, Inc is a not-for-profit organization recognized as tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501 (c)(3). .