HARTFORD Conn. – On Friday November 1st, State Representative Brandon McGee (D-Windsor, Hartford) and State Representative Angel Arce (D-Hartford) met at reSET, the Social Enterprise Trust, for a tour of the Community Coworking Space, located at 99 Pratt St., Hartford Conn.
The representatives met participants in reSET’s current Accelerator Program to learn more about their social enterprise businesses. Accelerator participants are developing businesses that generate profits and solve community problems at the same time. Moved by the level of innovation and community commitment, Representative McGee said the business plans shared by reSET’s Accelerator class left him feeling empowered.
“The reality is we are encouraging more than economic growth, we are inspiring a new sector of business, one that gives back, which is why I’m so encouraged by these social entrepreneurs.” Said McGee “I want to see these social entrepreneurs become successful, and hopefully I can come back one day and buy coffee from A Happy Life Coffee Company.”
reSET is working collaboratively with the Connecticut Bar Association and B-Lab to encourage passage of legislation allowing businesses to incorporate as benefit corporations in the state of Connecticut. Language for this bill is the most comprehensive of its type proposed in the United States.
State Representative Arce of the 4th District spoke with several social entrepreneurs currently enrolled in reSET’s Accelerator Program, and said social enterprise is what Connecticut needs.
“This is my district, I’m very proud of my district and these are the types of businesses I want in my district.” Said Arce “I voted last year in support of the benefit corporation legislation when it was presented to the House, and I will continue to support it again this year and push it forward to the Senate. Benefit Corporations are not just socially motivated, but they will also create more jobs for Hartford.”
reSET is looking forward to continuing to engage lawmakers and the public to build awareness about social enterprise.
reSET opened the Community Space in Hartford in June 2013. Social entrepreneurs, small businesses and freelancers have joined the growing community. In addition, reSET has supported the launch of 19 new social enterprises in the state of Conn., and supported the growth of nine social enterprises in the state. reSET has also established the Social Enterprise Investment Fund, which will begin to offer loans to investment-ready social entrepreneurs in January 2014.
For more information about reSET, visit www.socialenterprisetrust.org or call 860-560-9120 to make an appointment to visit the reSET Community Space, or drop in Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm without an appointment.
Contact Information:
Meryl Willett
Community Builder
Phone: 860-560-9120 ext. 204
All Rights Reserved | reSET
Social Enterprise Trust, Inc is a not-for-profit organization recognized as tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501 (c)(3). .