Ojala Naeem is reSET’s Incubator and IT Manager. This week, she will be traveling over 1,000 miles and exploring different coworking/shared spaces and organizations similar to reSET! You can follow her on twitter at @SocEntTrust, @ImOjala, or using the hashtag #reSETontheroad.
A few months ago, I hit my two year mark at reSET, and couldn’t begin to comprehend everything the team at reSET had accomplished in such a relatively short time. When I started working for reSET, we were being incubated out of the offices of The Walker Group in Farmington, CT with big dreams and a solid plan to turn those dreams into reality. A year later, I was sitting in front of my laptop at my favorite spot, coworking with entrepreneurs, coworkers and friends, gazing out of a window to my left at Trumbull Street and the XL Center, and to my right at the fashionable displays at Stackpole and Moore and bustling activity on Pratt Street.
Two years later, I find my favorite spot buzzing with inspirational entrepreneurs, passionate start-ups, dedicated mentors and advisers, and of course, the wonderful, relentless and hardworking reSET staff. Our community is growing, and we’re growing with it.
In the next few months, we hope to evaluate and expand into a larger space with more storefront visibility, and also increase the activity and access to resources in our space. We want you to be a part of this experience as well, startign with our Space Crawl on Tuesday, December 16th at 3pm! In the mean time, I’m hitting the road to learn more from spaces and organizations similar to us in cities similar to Hartford.
In the next week, I will be traveling to Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo in New York, and Toronto in Canada, learning more about the success and struggles of similar initiatives. I’ll be posting pictures, stories, and interviews from entrpereneurs, coworkers, and entrpereneurial community leaders. I’m excited about this journey, and I hope you follow along through our blog as well as twitter at @SocEntTrust, @ImOjala, or using the hashtag #reSETontheroad!
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Social Enterprise Trust, Inc is a not-for-profit organization recognized as tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501 (c)(3). .